Recent Competition in the Textile Industry

Recent Competition in the Textile Industry

The largest contribution to the national economy of Turkey is provided by the textile and apparel sector. There is a real vicious cycle in the textile sector because of accelerating costs, research-development, innovation, design production perspectives, investment to local production in foreign countries, and of course lack of high technology. In this very competitive arena, separate studies in different parts of the textile field continue without slowing down. Children’s textile is an area that needs to be taken care of in every situation because the players are really different.

Textile and ready-to-wear clothing, known as the industrial sector, which is generally focused on developing countries, is getting serious in recent years. Especially in the children’s clothing industry to produce high-quality

The decision to support local production in all industrial sectors, including textiles, especially in children’s textiles, is one of the reasons for our progress towards exports. The US is taking firm decisions to take all kinds of radical measures to promote production within its borders. Even Japan has been among the countries that mostly buy and invest in textile machinery on a global scale. As a result of these developments, Turkish textile and apparel industrialists have to compete not only with their rivals in developing countries but also with developed countries with high investment budgets for R&D, innovation, design, and high technology production lines.

Our textile and the ready-to-wear sector had a great amount in the export side during all global crises and it also provides a significant foreign trade surplus, but today we need to maintain this power and go on. In women’s clothing, men’s clothing, sportswear, or children’s clothing sector, we must focus on research and development on the new markets. Because of the cost acceleration and sanctions on the raw material based on the production costs, local producers should be supported and all the necessary things should be provided at locally.

The exhibitions will be much more important in the new era and will be much more devoted to the mission of bringing together everyone working in this field from every field of textile. You can easily reach the latest information about new business contacts and sectoral performances by taking your place in the exhibition.

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