How Do Colors Affect Children?

How Do Colors Affect Children?

Depending on the situation they are used in, colors can give rise to positive or negative effects. Each color used by itself in a room with the expectation of creating a positive effect carries the possibility of causing a negative reaction instead. Being subject to excessive stimuli can cause changes in breathing patterns, pulse, blood pressure, and muscle tension. On the other hand, too little stimuli can lead to anxiousness, sleeplessness, excessive emotional reaction, loss of concentration, and nervousness.

To give an example, a completely white environment leads to a lack of stimulus and this, contrary to expectations, does not cause a balanced or neutral effect.

Scientific studies demonstrate that colors affect not only the outer layer of the brain but the entire central nervous system as well. According to EEG and pulse measuring systems, men and women react differently to colors. It has been observed that the pulse of a hyperactive child calms down in a room painted in either blue or pink.

When color is transmitted from the eye to the brain, the brain releases a hormone affecting the emotions, mental clarity, and energy levels. The negative and positive psychological effects of colors can be observed in human beings based on the combinations they are used in. While babies feel unsettled in a room of mainly yellow, they can feel peaceful and calm in a room painted in a combination of blue, green, and yellow.

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